There are two church offices described in the New Testament: Elders/Pastors and Deacons. Both roles are significant and necessary, yet distinct. Elders (servant leaders) guide and govern the church; Deacons (lead servants) assist the Elders and serve the body. The church needs godly, qualified men occupying both offices in order to be healthy.
Deacons must be male Covenant Partners of this Church. A Deacon shall faithfully and actively support the activities of this Church and shall possess the Scriptural qualifications found in 1 Timothy 3:8-13. A Deacon candidate will have been a Covenant Partner of Redemption for at least one year prior to nomination.
At times determined by the Elders, active Partners of the Church will be given the opportunity to nominate any man, who is an active Partner of the Church, as a candidate for Deacon. Candidates will then be selected by unanimous approval of the Elders and presented to active Partners at least one month prior to any church meeting called by the Church. Any active Partner with reason to believe a candidate is unqualified for the office of Deacon should express such concern to the Elders. At the scheduled meeting, Deacon candidates will be appointed by an affirmative vote of at least two-thirds of active Partners present and voting.
To learn more, read this article on The Biblical Qualifications & Responsibilities of Deacons from 9Marks Journal. To learn more about our church governance, read our Church Constitution.
Married to Kelli. Father of two.
Married to Gracie. Father of one-on-the-way.
Married to Brittany. Father of three.
Married to Rachel.
Married to Bethany. Father of three.
Married to Angela. Father of two.
Married to Julie. Father of two. Grandfather of six.
Married to Jamie. Father of two.
Married to Elisabeth. Father of four.
Married to Rachel.
Married to Kaylee. Father of two.
Married to Candra. Father of two.
Based on how the Bible describes the role & expectations of Deacons, here are some things to look for in potential candidates:
☑️ Godly character
☑️ Mature faith
☑️ Leads his home well
☑️ A servant in the church
☑️ Partner of Redemption
-Nominations for 2026 Deacon candidates will be received from Aug. 31 to Sept. 28, 2025.
-Proposed 2026 Deacons & Budget will be presented to active Partners on or before Nov. 9, 2025.
-Voting will take place during our Partner Gathering on Dec. 7, 2025.