Groups help us connect with others and form biblical community.
We love Sundays, when the whole family of God gathers together to worship. But while Sundays are essential, they aren't sufficient. We need smaller environments where we can connect with others and live out the Bible's one another commands. We will never become all God has created us to be without getting up-close with others who challenge, help, and encourage us.
This is where Bible Studies & Community Groups come in.
Bible Studies for Men & Women are a great way to get connected with others. These are seasonal groups that meet weekly at the church and generally dive deeper into the Sunday sermon content.
Community Groups provide another opportunity to develop relationships with those in a similar stage of life. These are ongoing groups (some are year-round while others are seasonal), take place in homes or at the church, and are formed around Christ & His Word, relationships with one another, and missional living.