During our 10:45am gathering, we provide Christ-like love and gospel-centered teaching to kids in age-specific classes & groups. These are led by caring adults & teens in a safe, secure environment. We want your kids to learn about Jesus, feel loved, and have fun! Our ultimate goal is not to entertain or provide childcare; rather, it is to come alongside you as partners in discipling your kids to know, love, and follow Jesus. We use the Bible, activities, videos, and songs to engage their hearts & minds with the truth of the gospel.
Our Elementary kids gather in what we call Kids Discipleship Groups. These groups are divided by age/grade and gender. Currently, we disciple our kids using The Biggest Story curriculum. Use the link below to check out some of The Biggest Story resources.
Here's what to expect when visiting Redemption Kids for the first time:
The easiest way to find your way is to stop by our red tent outside the front doors of the church (or our rolling cart directly inside, if inclement weather). One of our Serve Team members will have you fill out a Connection Card with your child's information. (To expedite the process for your family, click the link below to pre-register your kids.) You will then be escorted back to our Kids Wing to check your child in.
Should you bypass the red tent, here’s the easiest way to locate our Kids Wing: Simply enter the front doors of the church, then head straight and to your right! There is signage to point you in the right direction. As soon as you enter the double doors of our Kids Wing, you’ll step into our Check-in area. You can either use our “Self Check-in” stations (if you’ve pre-registered) or head to our “New Here” table. Once we get your child checked in, one of our Serve Team members will lead you and your child to their age-appropriate room.
Contact Tiffany Smith, our Redemption Kids Director who serves alongside a dedicated team of adult leaders.